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What are the common nitrogen generation devices ?

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/11/8 17:12:35 Hits:647
What are the common nitrogen generation devices ?     
    Nowadays, there are three kinds of nitrogen making decoration in the industrial industry, namely cryogenic air separation method, pressure swing adsorption method ( PSA ) and membrane air separation method. The three nitrogen making devices have their own nitrogen making methods and characteristics, which are suitable for different nitrogen making environments. The following pressure swing adsorption nitrogen making factory Suzhou Jiarui gas system takes you to understand the three nitrogen making devices.
Nitrogen production by cryogenic air separation
Nitrogen production by cold air separation is a traditional nitrogen production method, which has a history of recent decades. It is based on air as raw material, through compression, purification, and then use heat exchange to make air liquefied into liquid air. Liquid air is mainly a mixture of liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen. Liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen have different boiling points ( at 1 atmosphere pressure, the former boiling point is-183 °C, the latter is-196 °C ). Nitrogen is obtained by distillation of liquid air and separation of them. The cryogenic air separation nitrogen production equipment is complex, covers a large area, has a high infrastructure cost, a large investment in equipment, a high operating cost, a slow gas production ( 12 ~ 24h ), high installation requirements, and a long cycle. Comprehensive equipment, installation and infrastructure factors, equipment below 3500 Nm3 / h, the investment scale of the same specification PSA device is 20 % ~ 50 % lower than that of the cryogenic air separation device. Cryogenic air separation nitrogen plant is suitable for large-scale industrial nitrogen production, while medium and small-scale nitrogen production is not economical.
    Nitrogen production by pressure swing adsorption
Compared with the traditional nitrogen production method, pressure swing adsorption nitrogen production has the characteristics of simple process flow, high degree of automation, fast gas production ( 15 ~ 30 minutes ), low energy consumption, product purity can be adjusted according to the needs of users in a large range, convenient operation and maintenance, low operating cost and strong adaptability of the device. Therefore, it is quite competitive in the nitrogen production equipment below 1000Nm3 / h, and is more and more popular with small and medium-sized nitrogen users. Pressure swing adsorption nitrogen production has become a preferred method for small and medium-sized nitrogen users.
Nitrogen production by membrane air separation
Using air as raw material, under certain pressure conditions, different gases such as oxygen and nitrogen have different permeation rates in the membrane to separate oxygen and nitrogen. Compared with other nitrogen production equipment, it has the advantages of simpler structure, smaller volume, no switching valve, less maintenance, faster gas production ( ≤ 3 minutes ), and convenient capacity increase. It is especially suitable for medium and small nitrogen users with nitrogen purity ≤ 98 %. When the purity of nitrogen is more than 98 %, its price is more than 15 % higher than that of PSA nitrogen production equipment of the same specification.
The above is the knowledge of nitrogen production device published by Suzhou Jiarui Gas System, a nitrogen production factory of pressure swing adsorption, hoping to be helpful to everyone.
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